Saba' - 34:54

وَحِيلَ بَيْنَهُمْ وَبَيْنَ مَا يَشْتَهُونَ كَمَا فُعِلَ بِأَشْيَاعِهِم مِّن قَبْلُ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا فِي شَكٍّ مُّرِيبٍ
And a barrier shall be placed between them and that which they desire, as was done with the likes of them before: surely they are in a disquieting doubt.
And between them and their desires, is placed a barrier, as was done in the past with their partisans: for they were indeed in suspicious (disquieting) doubt.
And a gulf is set between them and that which they desire, as was done for people of their kind of old. Lo! they were in hopeless doubt.